Tag: vnv nation

Song of the Month – January

Не, не бях забравил. Дори, от както се върнах от Германия, си повтарях, че трябва да пусна този пост, но… все не ми оставаше време, все по-важни неща изникваха. И все пак, с доста голямо закъснение, че стана средата нa месеца, ето я и песента тук.
Да, точно Nemesis на VNV Nation. Първо, защото е страхотно парче. Второ, защото в момента не мога да се сетя и една песен, която да съм чул през миналия месец от нови неща, че да я включа :/
Много натоварени месеци бяха.

Nemesis by VNV Nation

Колкото да отчетем някаква активност, а и, защото песента е страхотна 🙂

Everybody wants to live in a lie
But why should we delude ourselves?
It’s not as if we can’t see something’s wrong
Where’s the duty to what’s right?
Intentions end with empty words
and chaos replaces order

Those who shout loudest impose their will
Upholding laws that serve a few
Declaring peace while the sirens sing
In the name of progress,
In the name of madness
Drum beats faster
Crowd shouts louder
and chaos replaces order

I want justice for a voice that can’t be heard
Vindication for every suffering and hurt
Let retribution hold dominion over earth
Because judgement day’s not coming Judgement day’s not coming
soon enough

Because judgement day’s not coming
Because judgement day’s not coming
Because judgement day’s not coming
Because judgement day’s not coming
Soon enough

I want justice for a voice that can’t be heard
Vindication for every suffering and hurt
Let retribution hold dominion over earth
Because judgement day’s not coming Judgement day’s not coming

I want justice for a voice that can’t be heard
Vindication for every suffering and hurt
Let retribution hold dominion over earth
Because judgement day’s not coming Judgement day’s not coming
Soon enough

Soon enough

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