Основна информация
Година на издаване: 2012
Платформа: Steam (PC)Жанрове: Indie Platformer Степен на сложност: 0/10
Брой постижения/трофеи: 18
Отключени: 0
Процент: 0%

Име: Let's get started
Описание: Find the gateway gun

Име: Shed some light
Описание: Find the torch

Име: Little and large
Описание: Find the resizing gateway gun

Име: On reflection
Описание: Find the mirror

Име: The time machine
Описание: Find the time travel gateway gun

Име: Gravity of the situation
Описание: Find the rotation gateway gun

Име: The fun begins
Описание: Find the multi gun

Име: Master of time
Описание: Find the time suit

Име: The truth
Описание: Complete the game

Име: The high jump
Описание: Find all jump boosts

Име: Picture of health
Описание: Find all health boosts

Име: You again
Описание: Find all extra echo power ups

Име: Raising the bar
Описание: Find all time extending power ups

Име: Completionist
Описание: Collect all 500 power orbs

Име: No assistance necessary
Описание: Complete the game with 500 power orbs

Име: Die!!!
Описание: Destroy all enemies in the game,... including the recharging ones

Име: New levels!
Описание: Download a Steam Workshop level

Име: That's the way to do it
Описание: Record a solution for a help point