Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
Основна информация
Година на издаване: 2007
Платформа: PS3Жанрове: Action Степен на сложност: 0/10
Брой постижения/трофеи: 12
Отключени: 2
Процент: 17%

Име: Man in 'Cuffs
Описание: Meet a man in handcuffs.
Време: 14:08 на 15 Mar 2013

Име: Thirsty For Blood
Описание: Defeat the blood thirsty monster.
Време: 21:29 на 25 Sep 2013

Име: Farewell to a Friend
Описание: Put a friend out of their misery.

Име: Tyrant Disposal
Описание: Take out the all powerful Tyrant.

Име: Big Guy Wants to Play
Описание: Turn the tables on the Pursuer.

Име: The Fruits of Ambition
Описание: Draw the curtain on Sergei's ambition.

Име: Taking One for the Team
Описание: Witness a comrade's sacrifice.

Име: The Final Curtain
Описание: Put an end to the secret organization.

Име: Zombie Smack Down!
Описание: Clear the special stage.

Име: Archive Collector
Описание: Collect all archives.

Име: Love Those Weapons
Описание: Find the treasure trove of weapons.

Име: Master of Destruction
Описание: Get the all powerful weapon.