Your Doodles Are Bugged!
Основна информация

Година на издаване: 2011
Платформа: Steam (PC)
Жанрове: Casual Indie
Степен на сложност: 0/10
Брой постижения/трофеи: 21
Отключени: 7
Процент: 33%

Име: Journeyman Doodler
Описание: Reach the rank of Journeyman Doodler
Време: 20:05 на 4 Nov 2011
Име: Collector
Описание: Import a doodle that was created by another player
Време: 00:43 на 5 Nov 2011
Име: Work and Play
Описание: Create a new doodle and play through it
Време: 00:44 на 5 Nov 2011
Име: Blue Bug's Secret
Описание: Solve the secret of the blue bug
Време: 01:03 на 5 Nov 2011
Име: Deft Touch
Описание: Solve doodle 5 "Skydiving Lessons" with a single stroke
Време: 01:12 на 5 Nov 2011
Име: Careless Artist
Описание: Draw ink over 100 bugs
Време: 01:22 на 5 Nov 2011
Име: Thrifty
Описание: Solve doodle 11 "Dancing On The Highwire" without running out of ink a single time
Време: 01:41 на 5 Nov 2011
Име: Master Doodler
Описание: Reach the rank of Master Doodler
Име: Campaigner
Описание: Complete all doodles of the main campaign
Име: Smoking Pen
Описание: Complete all main campaign doodles in a total time of under 3 hours
Име: Pen of Steel
Описание: Solve enough doodles for a total completion time of more than 10 hours
Име: Knight in Shining Armor
Описание: Rescue ALL bugs in all main campaign doodles (except "Suicide Mission")
Име: Marathon
Описание: Solve all main campaign doodles in a single game session
Име: Life-Guard
Описание: Rescue a total of 10,000 bugs
Описание: Beat the developer time in doodle 13, 17 or 18
Име: No Regrets
Описание: Solve doodle 14 "Ghost From The Bottle" without using the eraser
Име: Quick 'n Slick
Описание: Solve doodle 15 "Things That Go Bump In The Night" in 2 minutes after removing the first barrier
Име: Pacifist
Описание: Solve doodle 20 "Suicide Mission" without killing a single bug
Име: Mega-Collage
Описание: Create a new doodle with at least one element from every main campaign doodle
Име: Bonus Doodle
Описание: Unlock the bonus doodle
Име: Bug Killer
Описание: Let at least one bug die in every doodle that contains a deadly hazard
