Основна информация
Година на издаване: 2008
Платформа: Steam (PC)Жанрове: Indie Степен на сложност: 0/10
Брой постижения/трофеи: 12
Отключени: 0
Процент: 0%

Име: Dominator
Описание: Capture all spawn points during a multiplayer domination game

Име: Hoarder
Описание: Capture twice as many statues as your opponents in multiplayer Capture the Statue game (minimum 3 statues)

Име: Hail to the King
Описание: Win a King of the Hill game with at least 50% more points than the nearest opponent

Име: Unclad Skies
Описание: Win a game of Rocket Riot with no rocket damage, before any of your opponents reach 50% fuel

Име: Aggravated Assault
Описание: Finish defending a game of Assault without giving up a single Control Point

Име: Master Player
Описание: Defeat someone who is already a Master Player

Име: Master of Multiwinia
Описание: Win a game on every single map available

Име: Explorer
Описание: Play at least 1 game on every map

Име: Carnage
Описание: Kill over 2000 enemy Darwinians during a single game

Име: BlitzMaster
Описание: Win a game of Blitzkrieg in under 5 minutes

Име: Wrong Game
Описание: Nuke one of your allies spawn points during a co-operative game

Име: Genocide
Описание: Kill a total of 1,000,000 enemy Multiwinians