Основна информация
Година на издаване: 2014
Платформа: Steam (PC)Жанрове: Action Adventure Indie Степен на сложност: 0/10
Брой постижения/трофеи: 29
Отключени: 0
Процент: 0%

Име: Gnome Hunter
Описание: Hunt and kill the most dangerous game

Име: Done With This Game
Описание: Beat the game with 100% items and 100% map

Име: Fruit Power
Описание: Kill five deathballs with fruit

Име: Bombing Run
Описание: Perform five Falcon Dives without touching the ground

Име: Looters' Pinata
Описание: Kill a bat, eat the candy

Име: Potato Salad
Описание: Beat the game

Име: Beware My Fists
Описание: Finish a morg man with Vienna's Lion Strike

Име: Tweaker
Описание: Stay in blitz for 60 seconds straight

Име: Jacques Cousteau
Описание: Find the treasure in the water cavern in the Chasm

Име: Karma's a Blerrrrch
Описание: Get looted by an imp, then get your loot back

Име: Pancakes!
Описание: Get squished by a door or masher

Име: Boot Camp Hero
Описание: Defeat all four obstacle courses

Име: They Had to Die
Описание: Kill all the peochs in the Castle Looter Peoch Pit

Име: Access Denied
Описание: Destroy 5 missiles by hitting them

Име: Here Kitty, Kitty
Описание: Find all of Captain Cuddles' training spots

Име: Elevator Music
Описание: Kill the Golem without killing any of the eyelors

Име: Will o' the Wisp
Описание: Destroy 5 missiles with wisp

Име: Blumuwat Massacre
Описание: Kill 3 of these guys

Име: French Revolution
Описание: Decapitate 100 morg minions

Име: Forgot to Block
Описание: Defeat Looter without using the shield

Име: Carrie
Описание: Defeat Oraskue with only fireballs

Име: Location, Location, Location
Описание: Discover the Hidden Shop

Име: Wisp Whisperer
Описание: Have five wisps with you at one time

Име: Ludicrous Speed
Описание: Run as fast as the game allows

Име: Happens to Everyone
Описание: Die once to the Red Warlock

Име: Moby Dick
Описание: Complete the game with Abridged mode off

Име: Ain't Nobody Got Time For That
Описание: Beat the game in under two hours

Име: Victory Lap
Описание: Beat the game a second time

Име: Pop!
Описание: Pop a squidly with Brent's Lunge attack