Tag: video

Song of the Month – August

Machine Sex Symphony by Santa Hates You

От известно време цикля на този страничен проект на Питър Спилс – вокалистът на Project Pitchfork. А и мацката е просто страхотна, и е италианка 🙂

Dead dance orgasm
Liquid fruit spasm
Zombie engine fuel
Bloody coffin tool
Graveyard baby lollipop
Oxygen mask workshop
Vampire machine suicide
Rubber nurse satisfied

Undead transmission failure
Winter waste retailer
Clockwork decay noise
Plague sugar boys
Werewolf train slideshow
Self-absorbed witch snow
Cannibal soul zoo
Santa hates you!

You are the new sensation
You are the soul
You are the dark vibration

Rotten dolls faction
Monster parent action
Oiled supermarket fairy
Luscious spider cemetery
Apocalyptic naked gear
Instant shadow pleasure beer
Electric steel booty
Skull soap beauty

Song of The Month – July

Страхотна мацка :Р

Song of The Month – June

Не само по-долното парче, а въобще целият албум, без 1-2 трака 🙂

Song of The Month – May

С малко закъснение, ето и песента за изминалия месец. Всъщност то е цял албум направо… Ще представя една песен от него, но ще Ви запозная с още 2-3, защото определено си струва.

След 5 години Grendel най-после се завърнаха с нов дългосвирещ албум. Уви, кратичък е, но пък няма слабо парче в него, дори интрото и аутрото са страхотни.

Ето и песента, която ще заслужи заветното място. Като я чух първия път и дори не успях да позная, че е Grendel.

А ето и още 1-2 песни, които си заслужават вниманието:

Като цяло целият албум си струва.

Nothing Going On by Clawfinger

I’ve been around the world I’ve got a hit in the charts
I’ve become quite famous But I ain’t got no heart
I’ve got expensive clothes and lots of money to waste
I’ve got the luxury lifestyle but I aint got no taste

nothing going on nothing going on
I’ve got a whole lot of nothing
nothing going on

I know all the right people, I’ve got the perfect smile
I’ve got the worlds best timing, but I ain’t got no style
I’ve got a great big mansion, I’ve got a beautiful wife
I’ve got a black rolls royce, but I’ve got no life

nothing going on nothing going on
I’ve got a whole lot of nothing
nothing going on
nothing going on
Nothing going right, nothing going wrong
I’ve got a whole lot of nothing
nothing going on
nothing going on nothing going on
I’ve got a whole lot of nothing
nothing going on

I’ve got a personal trainer, I ride a limousine
I’ve got a big bank account, but I ain’t got no dreams
I’ve got a private plane, the best of everything
I’ve got a lifestyle to live, but no message to sing

nothing going on nothing going on
I’ve got a whole lot of nothing
nothing going on
nothing going on
Nothing going right, nothing going wrong
I’ve got a whole lot of nothing
nothing going on
nothing going on nothing going on

I’ve got a whole lot of nothing
nothing going on
nothing going on
nothing going on

The Little Big Man by ASP

They say that home is where there’s
Someone waiting, waiting for you.
I think I’ve got none then if these words
Should be really true.
Where is that candle in the window
Leading me on my way.
Where are those open doors that open
Arms that tell me to stay.

I can see your eyes.
The empty nights remind me
That I should have tried.
As you’re the one to see…

The little big man, The little big man I am
The little big man, The little big man I am

I need a place to lay me down
And feel that I still exist.
I want to close my eyes and wish to be kissed
And then get kissed.
Someone to take my masks of and caress
My worn-out face.
I wonder if I ask for too much
For a single embrace.

I can see your eyes.
The empty nights remind me
That I should have tried.
As you’re the one to see…

The little big man, The little big man I am
The little big man, The little big man I am

But if there was a chance it slipped away
But sure I’m going to call you up today.
I just can’t stand you never knew
And still don’t know the way I feel for you.
Need to see your eyes.
No more empty nights.
Give me just one try
And things will turn out right.
Begging, I can’t stand
Another night without You,
Not much of a man.
Oh, please let me out, I’m

The little big man, The little big man I am
The little big man, The little big man I am

One Last Goodbye by Anathema

How I needed you
How I grieve, now you’re gone
In my dreams I see you
I awake so alone

I know you didn’t want to leave
Your heart yearned to stay
But the strength I always loved in you
Finally gave way

Somehow I knew you would leave me this way
Somehow I knew you could never never stay
And in the early morning light
After a silent peaceful night
You took my heart away
And my being

In my dreams I can see you
I can tell you how I feel
In my dreams I can hold you
And it feels so real

I still feel the pain
I still feel your love
I still feel the pain
I still feel your love

And somehow I knew you could never never stay
And somehow I knew you would leave me
And in the early morning light
After a silent peaceful night
You took my heart away
oh I wish, I wish you could have stayed

Song of The Month – April

Без излишни думи:

Alesia by Eluveitie

Случвало ли Ви се някоя песен до такава степен да се забие в главата Ви, че колкото и да я слушате да не иска да излезне от там и да не спира да Ви тормози? Като някакъв хубав кошмар, колкото и абсурдно да звучи този израз. Точно такъв проблем имам аз с по-долното изпълнение на швейцарците от Eluveitie.

От чисто любопитство се разрових из нета, за да видя какво значи името и попаднах на това. Alesia е била столицата на галско племе, малко преди римските набези по техните земи. (Явно са си нямали Астерикс и Обеликс) След това става римски град.

The gress as green as it always was that sinister day
Blackbird sang their songs as they always did that black-letter day
The day we passed the great gate for the very last time
I did not look back, I knew we’d stay

I knew they I would not let us go leave the death strip
I saw the gleam in their eyes of fear and enslavement
Suffering from the crushing weight

I knelt ground take me home

Alesia, alisanos
Wake me when I’m gone
Ianotouta, eternity
Proclaim our barren sacrifice

On that ground we cherished life
We embraced death
As the children’s cries trailed off
Sob yielded deathly hush

The grass as green as it always was that sinister day
As we walked the alleys like thousand times before
I knew we’d stay

Oudside Alesia
We offered a living sacrifice

Outside the doors of Alesia
Where our tears run dry

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